Thirsk Northallerton Boroughbridge Ripon Harrogate Knaresborough York Middlesborough
Thirsk Northallerton Boroughbridge Ripon Harrogate Knaresborough York Middlesborough
Signed in as:
Terms and conditions of installation, repair and services.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all installations, repairs and services shall be subject to the following terms and conditions.
• "Services" means the engineering and associated services relating to the Customer's Equipment as set out in the proposal specified in our quotation or other agreed documents or discussions between us.
• "We", "us", "our" and "ourselves" mean the company, Addisons Electrical and security contracting limited.
• "You" and "your" mean the person or company to which we are providing Services.
• "Customer's Equipment" means the equipment or material belonging to you, or to whom for which you request us to provide services
• "Contracts, Contract" means any agreement made between Addisons Electrical and security contracting limited and the person or company to which we are providing Services
• a) Any contract or agreement to do work made between you and us shall be subject to these conditions, and any terms you put forward do not apply.
• b) All other terms and conditions which might be implied by conduct or a previous course of dealing or trade custom are excluded from this contract.
• c) No amendment or change shall be made to these conditions
• All work undertaken by us will have a minimum charge of one hours labour. This hour is priced at a slightly higher amount than our usual hourly rate in order to cover other expenses. After this, any remaining time needed on site will be charged out at our lower standard rate.
• The commencement of our initial labour charge will coincide with the departure of our van towards your job location. Consequently, you may incur charges for up to 30 minutes prior to the arrival of our engineer at your property or site. In the event that the travel duration to your property or site exceeds 30 minutes, you will not be subjected to additional charges unless previously notified.
• The conclusion of the billing period may not necessarily coincide with the departure of our engineer from your premises. We reserve the right to levy an additional 15-minute charge, if necessary, to allow the engineer to adequately update your job card with pertinent details or complete any requisite certification related to your project.
• Our quotation provides an indication of cost to you of the items and labour on which you may place an order, but no order from you as a result of a quotation (or otherwise) shall be binding upon us unless and until it is accepted or confirmed by us in writing.
• A quotation is made on the assumption that the work requested is reasonably capable of being carried out and that the current installation if of sound performance and complies with current electrical standards regulations. If on inspection this is found in our opinion not to be the case, we will advise you to this effect as soon as reasonably practicable, and may offer you an alternative or new quotation on terms to be agreed. If you give a general instruction for repairs (verbally or written) without specifying the particular service, quotation number or replacement parts, we will be entitled to carry out such repairs or, modifications or service as in our opinion are necessary to put yours or the Customer's Equipment in good working order, and to make an appropriate charge for the work and parts provided
• Quotations or estimations do not cover any issues with Wi-Fi signal or any other form of wireless signal interference.
• Provided your order is placed within thirty days of the date of the quotation, the price contained on the quotation shall be fixed unless the quotation states otherwise or if there are other works required in order to meet the current edition and amendment of the IET wiring regulations of BS7671. If your order is not placed in that period, then if any change shall occur after that in the costs of any materials, labour, transport or other items, including overheads, which we have to pay or incur for the performance of the Contract, then you will pay the resultant price.
• If delivery and performance are postponed at your request or by circumstance within your control you will pay all resulting costs and expenses we incur.
• We will charge for all work carried out at your request, whether exploratory or otherwise and, in particular, we reserve the right to instruct our employees or agents to work overtime to comply with your delivery requirements in which case we may charge you the cost of such overtime. It is your responsibility to enquire as to the current overtime rates.
• No excavation or hand digging of any trenches or cable routes will be undertaken by us unless specifically stated in writing before a quote is accepted and the works begin. It is to be expected that if any cable runs are to be located in the ground, then any routes will be pre dug before we arrive on site, with a suitable ducting and draw wire pre installed for us to utilise. If you require any help or advice with measurements, locations etc of cable ducting before hand, please contact us and we will be happy to help. If the quotation has been accepted without any prior agreement in place for the digging of trenches, and we need to undertake any digging whilst on site, then this will be undertaken at our standard (there after) hourly rate and listed as an extra. If you would not like this to happen, please make this clear to us as soon as possible by emailing us, or calling the office and we can ensure there is no digging undertaken and we can reschedule the works to suit.
• Our hourly charge for labour will be invoiced at a minimum of 1 hours labour. If the attendance is less than one hour, then you will still be charged for the full hour. This is to cover our attendance expenses. Following the initial hour, You will then be charged every half hour there after.
• No plastering, decorating or any other making good will be undertaken by us unless specifically stated in writing before works begin. It is to be expected that disruption and/or damage is sometimes unavoidable in order to achieve the works quoted for and there is a very real possibility that this may occur, if this is going to be a problem, please express your concerns before any works begin.
• A rewire or partial rewire quotation is based on the presumption that the property (or areas to be rewired) will be completely empty and free of obstructions. This helps when lifting flooring, or overcoming any other access limitations. If this is not the case, additional charges will be applied for the extra time incurred.
• Any temporary site power that is installed on site is not the property of the client/customer. It is property of Addisons Electrical And Security Contracting Ltd and is installed with the clients/customers permission under loan to allow for the provision of a temporary source of power. If this is removed, damaged in any way, or receive a similar action resulting in the materials/equipment to be none recoverable in the condition they were supplied, then there will be additional charges incured for the replacement of the equipment as well as financial compensation for any lost time related to this matter.
• No coring of fan holes will be included or undertaken unless specifically stated in writing before works begin.
• When accepting a quotation, estimation or otherwise requesting work to be undertaken by us, you are therefore entering into a contract of work and will be bound by these terms and conditions, so please read carefully in full, and if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us only via email before we move forward. In doing this via email, both parties have a written document as a backup. We only accept written documents for any formal job related correspondence. For information relating to the termination of contracts please see the ‘Termination of any Contracts’ section below
If the Services are to be carried out on your premises or at your request at some other site we will need free and safe access to the customer's Equipment, together with proper and safe storage and protection of all goods, tools, plant and equipment and materials we have on site. We may also require additional facilities to carry out the Services such as electricity. You will observe and comply with the latest Health and Safety at Work Legislation and ensure that the site is safe and without risk to the health and safety of all persons working there; and you will hold us harmless against all legal and regulatory proceedings, costs and charges in respect of your failure to do so.
The removal of our waste from your premises or at your request from another location is down to our discretion, The cost of waste removal has not been considered in any quotation given ether verbal or written unless otherwise stated and if any waste removal is requested, an additional charge may be added to any other costs already incurred.
Before we commence any work, it is imperative that you request a fixed price quote in writing if you require a specific cost to adhere to. Without a written request for a fixed quotation or formal acknowledgment of potential costs prior to the start of work, we cannot be held responsible for any misinterpretations on your end. If our invoice is subsequently disputed or rejected, and we deem the invoiced amount to be reasonable and in accordance with our pricing policy, there will be no adjustments made to the invoice total. We reserve the right to pursue all legal avenues to recover any outstanding amounts due. Unless otherwise agreed with you by us in writing, for example, an upfront payment to cover the cost of materials, We maintain the right to issue an interim invoice to account for the expenditure on materials and/or labour at any stage of a project. This will not represent the total cost. Upon completion of the services we have provided, a final invoice will be issued for any remaining costs. This will reflect any previous invoices and will also include any additional services that have been performed. Unless otherwise stated on your invoice, invoices will be due for payment 14 days from the day on which we despatch the invoice to you. If the invoiced amount has not been paid in full by the due date on the original invoice into the relevant bank account of Addisons Electrical and security contracting limited, Then a reminder will be issued to the recipient of the original invoice for the original invoice amount. If after 28 days from the date of the original invoice, the balance requested has not been settled in full then a final demand notice will be issued and a further 7 days will be allowed for full payment to be made. If after 35days the invoice is still not settled then a late payment charge of £45 +vat will be added to the outstanding balance to cover our efforts in chasing this debt and another 7days will be allowed for full payment to be made. If after 42 days from the date of the original invoice the outstanding balance is still not settled in full, we will at that point start adding a daily charge the total outstanding balance. This daily charge will be charged at an annual percentage rate of 8% of the original balance and will be added to the outstanding balance every additional day from the 42nd day of the original invoice date. At this point we will then pursue other options in recovery of the debt which will involve 3rdparty debt collection services and/or legal proceedings. If additional costs are incurred by ourselves for any form of debt recovery, then we reserve the right to pass these on to the debtor and will also be added to the original debt. By agreeing to any work being undertaken by Addisons Electrical and security contracting limited, either verbally or in writing, you are therefore agreeing and accepting all of these terms and conditions.
All payments invoiced are required to be paid in pounds Sterling.
We reserve the right to apply an admin fee or other additional costs to any late payments. The initial amount for a late payment recovery starts at £45.00 +vat and any further charges will be advised during the recovery process. We also reserve the right to sell any outstanding or overdue balances to a debt recovery company of our choice in attempt to recover any monies due. This may incur additional fees and legal action being undertaken.
You shall be responsible for the accuracy of any designs, specifications and other data, which you or your employees or agents supply to us, which we use in connection with the Services, even if we examine, inspect or comment upon them. You will hold us harmless against any liability to a third party which we may incur as a result of carrying out the Services in accordance with your instructions or your designs, drawings, specifications or other data.
• We will take reasonable care of the Customer's Equipment whilst it is in our custody and make good any loss or damage caused by our failure to exercise reasonable care, our liability being limited to the replacement value of the Equipment.
• We also undertake to use reasonable skill and care in carrying out the work and to use materials, which are suitable quality and free from defects.
• Unless otherwise agreed, we will rectify defective work and /or defective materials notified to us in writing within six months of the completion of the work and liability for defective work and/or defective materials is limited to the invoice value thereof. We will have no responsibility for other loss or damage, including (without limitation) loss profit or production, except as required by law.
• Unless we have agreed to do so, you will accept full responsibility for re-installing, examining and testing the Equipment on which we have worked as soon as it is completed and we shall not be responsible for any damage, cost or loss incurred by you due to your failure to properly re-install or delay in testing the equipment or in notifying us of any defect in the work.
• Unless the materials are supplied by Addison's Electrical And Security Contracting LTD, we will not provide any form of warranty(s) for defective materials and any time (including that of admin) or materials required to rectify any problems will be chargeable.
• If any evidence of interference or tampering with an installation is found then we reserve the right to revoke any warranty(s) or implied warranty(s) with immediate effect.
• Any underfloor heating system we install will undergo thorough testing and commissioning before the screed is applied. Please note that our responsibility ceases once the system has been successfully installed and tested. We do not assume liability for any subsequent damage to the underfloor heating. Any necessary repair work post-installation will incur additional charges.
• If we have agreed to transport the Equipment, in the event of loss or damage to Equipment in transit from any cause whatsoever our liability shall be limited at our option to replacing the Equipment or passing on the benefit of insurance. In no circumstances shall we be liable for other loss including (without limitation) loss of production or loss of profit or contracts.
• We shall not be liable for any such transit damage unless we and the carriers are notified of such damage or loss within seven days of delivery. It is your responsibility to examine the goods immediately on receipt.
• Unless otherwise agreed, the loading or off loading of the goods on collection or return to you shall be arranged by you and performed at your sole expense and risk.
We may bring a contract to an end if you fail to comply with your obligations under the agreed contract, within seven days of having been notified by us of the relevant failure. We may also bring a contract to an end immediately if you are the subject of a petition for a bankruptcy order, or you become insolvent or enter into any composition, scheme or arrangement with your creditors. If you are a corporation or other legal person, we may bring a contract to an end immediately if a receiver (including an administrative receiver) is appointed over any of your assets or an application is made to appoint an administrator for you. If you are in partnership, we may bring a contract to an end immediately if the partnership is dissolved. We may also terminate a contract if any proceedings relating to your insolvency are commenced in any country.
We reserve the right bring a contract to an end immediately no matter of what stage of progression and for what ever reason with 7 days prior notice made in writing.
If this Agreement ends for any reason, we will be entitled to remove all of our equipment from your premises or from site. You will remain liable to us for any sums which you have not paid, for all work done up to date of termination and for any other breaches of this Contract.
Once a contract has been agreed between you and Addisons Electrical and security contracting limited, you cannot terminate the contact without charges being incurred. There will be a minimum cancelation fee of which ever is the greater amount of the following [A] or [B] decisions.
[A] A fixed amount of £50 +vat (£60 +vat if the work was arranged via a third party)
[B] A 30% charge to you, of the sum cost of any materials ordered in relation to your contract with ourselves, plus any other costs incurred by Addisons Electrical and security contracting limited for example, admin, travel and/or labour.
In relation to defects in goods sold to you by us, we may be liable under the Consumer Protection Act 1987 or equivalent legislation, but only to the extent that such liability cannot lawfully be excluded.
Apart from our agreement to rectify any defects or errors in the Services as set out according to our Warranty terms and to replace or repair the Customer's Equipment where there is loss or damage to goods in transit as set out according to our Transportation terms:
• Our maximum liability to you for the direct loss or damage, either under this Contract or arising from any act or omission, including negligence, will not exceed the total amount paid by you under this Contract, or such higher sum as a court may specify as reasonable up to a limit of £100,000; and
• We will not be liable to you under any circumstances for any indirect or consequential losses (including for example, loss of Contracts or loss of profits of production).
The limitations and exclusions in this paragraph apply to any claim, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of any statutory duty or implied term or any other claim, except any liability for death, personal injury or defects in goods supplied to you by us as set out above.
The limitations and exclusions in these conditions reflect the value of this Contract to us and are considered to be reasonable. If you require us to accept greater liability we may be prepared to do so subject to agreement of an additional charge to reflect the increased risk and cost of insurance to us.
We will not be liable to you for any failure to perform our obligations under this Agreement where that failure results from any cause outside our reasonable control, including but not limited to natural occurrences, disruption of power supplies, the action of third parties or industrial action.
Any disputes which we cannot settle amicably relating to the nature or quality of the Services will be referred to an expert to be agreed or (if we and you cannot agree the choice of expert within 14 days of an expert being proposed by you or us) appointed at the request of you or us by the President for the time being of the institute of Electrical Engineers. The written report of the expert will as between you and us be conclusive evidence of all matters of fact and all matters opinion set in the report and the charges of the expert shall be borne and paid as the expert may direct.
Unless indicated otherwise, all sums payable under this Contract are stated exclusive of Value Added Tax (which will be charged at the rate prevailing at the relevant tax point) and any other tax or duty chargeable under any relevant legislation.
You will not assign your rights under this Agreement without our express written approval. We may sub-contract the provision of certain of the Services at our discretion. No third party shall acquire any rights under this Contract except as specifically stated in these conditions.
Any notice to be given by you or us must be in writing and may be delivered by the postal service or electronic mail. Notices to us should be sent to us at the address stated on our quotation, acknowledgement or invoice. Any notice given to you will be sent to you at the address supplied at the time of order. You and we are free to provide an alternative address for notices at any time. Notices sent by first class post will be assumed to have been delivered two working days after they are sent.
Any express or implied by us of any failure by you to perform your obligations under this Agreement will not prevent the subsequent enforcement of those obligations. Similarly, any waiver we give will not be taken to be a waiver of any subsequent failure by you to perform that or any other obligation.
This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between us relating to the Services and overrides any prior correspondence or statements relating to the Services (including any statements or representations in any advertisements or literature produced by us relating to the Services).
All incoming and outgoing calls are recorded as well as all emails, SMS and any other forms of communication are stored on our system to be used for training purposes, recalling information or for use in any form of dispute.
If any provision of this Agreement is ruled to be invalid for any reason, that invalidity will not affect the rest of this Agreement, which will remain valid and enforceable in all respects.
This Agreement is governed by English Law.
Privacy Policy This privacy policy sets out how Addisons Electrical and Security Contracting ltd uses and protects any information that you give Addisons Electrical and Security Contracting ltd when you use this website. Addisons Electrical and Security Contracting ltd is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement. Addisons Electrical and Security Contracting ltd may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes. This policy is effective from 11/06/2020. What we collect All communications, including incoming and outgoing calls, emails, text messages, and social media interactions, will be recorded or stored by us for the purpose of reviewing past agreements or requests, or for potential legal proceedings. As part of this we may collect the following information: Name and job title Contact information including telephone numbers and email address Demographic information such as address, postcode, preferences and interests Other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers What we do with the information we gather We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons: Internal record keeping. We may use the information to improve our products and services. We may periodically send promotional emails about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting using the email address which you have provided. From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes. We may contact you by email, phone, fax or mail. We may use the information to customise the website according to your interests. Security We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. How we use cookies A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer's hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences. We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system. Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website. Links to other websites Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question. Controlling your personal information You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways: Whenever you are asked to fill in a form on the website, look for the box that you can click to indicate that you do not want the information to be used by anybody for direct marketing purposes If you have previously agreed to us using your personal information for direct marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by writing to or emailing us at We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which we think you may find interesting if you tell us that you wish this to happen. You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the Data Protection Act 1998. A fee will be payable. If you would like a copy of the information held on you please write to Addisons Electrical and Security Contracting ltd, 21 Farefield close, Dalton, Thirsk, North Yorkshire YO73FD. If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to or email us as soon as possible, at the above address. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.
COVERING: HG1, HG2, HG3, HG4, HG5, YO7, YO51, YO61, DL6, DL7, DL8
Copyright © 2020 Addisons Electrical and Security Contracting - All Rights Reserved.
VAT Number - 344 9257 78 Company Number -12510210